vocab n5 – n3





to take a shower


why don’t you tak a shower





to take a shower

example here

example here





dangerous, risky

example here

example here



to give

example here

example here

開ける / 開く

()ける / (ひら)

()ける / (ひら)

akeru / aku

to open



below is old













to move

car is pushing the ka



to swim

splashing in the water

below is older


– Shower abitekitara ..
– Why don’t you have a shower
– Hyojo ..
– Expression onaji hiyojo
– nihongo to eigo mo onaji hiyojo tsukao – it’s the same expression in english and japanese.
– Mo shiwakenai
– Chinamini ..
– By the way / incidentially
– Chitto kininate. Or…kinninaru
– I was wondering
– – Nidomi
– Double take
– mada Futon kakete nai ..
– Haven’t put on the duvet yet
– De toku yo
– I’m going out
oforu yoii shitekuru
I’ll prepare the bath
– ki ni iru
– kawakaranai kedo
– koseiteki
– uniqui charastic
– wadai
– topic
– Hekomu
– I’m gutted
– 1 sai Han no naru made
– Before he’s 1 year old
– kensakusuru
– to look up / to search for (onilne for example)
– Example sentence: Shiritai koto o google de kensakusuru
– eg: recipe ni internet de kensakusuru
– Ketsuekigata
– Blood type
– A gata, B gata etc.
– E.g.: A gata josie wa….
– Hayakute ni jikan
– At least two hours
– Daddy kuru made mate
– Waiting until daya comes home
– Ugokanai
– Don’t move
– kanoosei
– possibility
– Kinosei きのせい
– jyo ho
– information
– Heikin へいきん
– average
– Sagasu
– Kityoumen
– Organised / methodical
– Jyokyo
– Situation

– Genkai げんかい
– Koeeu
– Over, supassed
– Limit
– Limit

– Arienai ありえない
– Impossible

– tezukuri てずくり
– made by hand
– Kokoro atari arimasuka?
– Do you have a hunch / intuition?
– Yushu ゆuしゅう
– Excellent
– E.g..
– kinkyu torishirabe shitsu きんきうとりしらべしつ
– Emergency interrogation room
– Shinjitsu / jijitsu ….
– Truth
– Jijitsu shiritai
– Shinshitsu
– Bedrrom
– Iiwake yameyou
– Uwasa
– Romour
– Kaiteki
– Tonikaku
– Anyway
– Kobosende
– Don’t spill it
– Seki せき
– Seat. Or cough.
– Sono tori
– That’s right
– Shiritai
– I want to know
– Yate agiru
– I’ll do it for you, I’ll help
– Mabushii.. sugu nareru
– It’s bright but you will get used to it soon.
– Tamaran
– Shiawase like nice food.
– Fiona nan to u tet ta
– What did Fiona say?
– I need to ask Fiona how to sell the crib
– Fiona ni dou ya te crib o uru ka kikanai to ikenai
– Fiona… how to.. crib.. sell (uru+ka) ask 9kiku is ask) must / have to
– chotto kite ii?
– can I ask you a question?
– tabenai to ikenai
– Must eat
– cooking shinai to ikenai
– have to do cooking
– Byōin ni ikanai to ikenai
– Must to to the hospital
– Isla must go to bed
– Isal wa bedo ni ikanai to ikenai

– kanshin ga aru
– Chinamini
– Also little extra info is….
– Satsujin
– Murder.
– Satsujinsha
– Murderer
– Zanshin
– Modern

– gyakumon arimas
– go both ways ??
– ie ni itai
– I want to stay home ??
– kawateiru
– strange
– kibun yadashi
– feeling moody
– Betusni
– not particularity
– setusme ishou
– instruction manual
– uranai

– Oiishi ka do ka wakaranai
– I don;t know if it’s nice (like when you make food for someone / give food as a gift)
– Comakai
– Comakai
– Details
– Komakai koto wa kinishinai
– – dint care about the details.
– Chinamini
– Also…
– Shikatanai
– Same as shouganai
– Komata
– We’re in trouble
– — printed flashcards up to here –kitkit
– Oroshite
– Put down. Opposite of agate, like te agate
– Yote
– Plan. Eg kyo wa tote mai. We have no plans today

– hiite
– open the door (open)
– Nidome
– Second. Eg. Second Christmas
– Hie hajimara
– It’s getting cold (for food)
– Beer hieteru ?
– Is the beer cold.
– Beer hiyasu
– I’ll make the beer cold
– Minakatakoto ni shiyo
– I’ll pretend I never saw it
– Nareta
– Got used to it
– Violin kiyomiaru desu is?
– Do you have an interest in violins?
– Ashimoto kiostukete
– Careful where you step( thank care walking home, for example). Ashimoto means ‘around your feet’
– Genjitsu
– In reality
– Un
– Luck
– Untenshitemoraeru
– Do you mind if you dr Be please?
– kuse
– habit
– tori ni krur
– pickup. For example the parcel is being picked up on Monday:
– yote
– plan. I have no plan – yotenai
– Ikiro basho
– This is where I found my home